Get access with crypto payment
Choose your desired Membership plan, then access the "Premium Access "tab You will be forwarded to our secured payments page . Once paid please contact us with the transaction id, so we can send you the membership access data.
For a fastest response contact us directly at the email address provided below. Please make sure to include the crypto transaction id, and the email used in the payment form. We are always online so your access details will be sent immediatelly once payment is confirmed.
You can also check out our "Accepted Coins list" tab if you wish to pay in another crypto currency of your choice.For this you will have to contact us first and let us know which crypto you wish to pay with so we can send you the payment details
- Membership Plans
- Accepted Coins
Access Type - CDB Premium |
Available Plans
Access will be provided upon payment confirmation.
Contact us with the Transaction Id at: